Coaching Service

Kawaja Michael doctor medical school dental school admission coaching counselling help interview mcat

Application Process

This will usually take place a few months before the deadline for applications.

I will assist you with all aspects of your application(s) to medical and/or dental school.

I will provide you with constructive feedback and advice on your narratives, etc.

I will coach you regarding your life story – what should be emphasized and showcased.

Kawaja Michael doctor medical school dental school admission coaching counselling help interview mcat

Interview Process

This will usually take place a few weeks before your interview(s).

I will review with you the different styles of interviews.

I will coach you on strategies for these different styles of interviews – how best to prepare.

I will offer you a 6-question / 1-hour mock interview.

I will provide you with my assessment of your performance - what you got right, what you might consider improving.

Kawaja Michael doctor medical school dental school admission coaching counselling help interview mcat

Additional Mock Interview(s)

This will usually take place a few weeks before your interview(s).

You may feel that a second (or third) mock interview followed by a constructive debrief would be helpful.

Additional meetings can be set up to discuss plans forward, assessment and review of application & interview.



All services, regardless of stage of application are provided at $200/hour. This includes any directly scheduled one-on-one meetings, and does not include any planning, pre or post communications or any time spent preparing for these coaching sessions.