Ontario Medical School Application Deadline
Do you hope to be part of a medical school class starting in September 2025? Read about the deadlines and requirements for submitting to OMSAS.
The 2025 AMCAS® application portal will open soon!
As you eagerly await the opening of this year’s portal for American Medical School primary applications, why not get an early start to the written portions of your application.
Ontario Medical School Applications due by October 2nd … just 5 weeks away!
The OMSAS deadline is quickly approaching. Here’s an overview of the application components and what can be done to “catch the attention” of the reviewers.
Applying to Med Schools in the Atlantic provinces of Canada
The vast majority of students accepted to Dalhousie and Memorial Medical Schools are from the Atlantic Provinces. However, these schools do accept students from outside of the Atlantic provinces. What is the best approach to applying to these schools?
Canadians Studying Medicine in the Caribbean
Over the last decade, there has been a steady rise in the number of medical schools in Caribbean countries. Can Canadian students who study there gain a Canadian residency position after the 4 years spent away from home.
The 2024 AMCAS® Application Portal is Open
A few years ago, one of my many successful graduate students, George W., left Canada for his medical education in the United States. I was happy to assist with and vet his AMCAS® application materials.
A Proven Way of Prepping for Interviews
This practice format proved to be very successful, as all my students gained entry into medical school this past cycle.
Deadlines to Canadian Dental Schools Coming up!
Here are the deadlines for Canadian Dental School applications for 2022.
How to seek help to meet application deadlines.
You each have your own unique life experiences and views that you bring to the application process – one shoe does not fit all.
Let’s talk about CASPer.
What might the reviewers be looking for that stands out from your competitors?
What does your answer say about you as a person of your community and your society?
How might you be able to show “competitive fitness” for medical school in your responses?
What makes for a competitive Medical School application?
This summer marks eleven years since my mother suffered a serious stroke. When I think back on that experience, I think of the doctors that treated her and their various competencies. This weeks blog focuses on the 6 competencies set forth by #CanMEDS and how to incorporate them in your medical school application.
Canadian Medical School Application Deadlines Fast Approaching
Canadian medical school application deadlines coming up soon! Here are the important dates to mark down: